Hiya, London. You alright?

After three weeks in Wiltshire, made our way back to London for the weekend. It was jam packed, exciting, overwhelming and refreshing.


London is incredibly beautiful. Understatement, I know, but it really is. It has this weird awkwardness to it while leaving any visitor utterly infatuated. Shoreditch and Camden are more alternative while having a vintage feel to them. Camden is a creative hub, where buildings are in the shape of shoes and The Mad Hatter roams free to attend tea parties on the pavement. Here you find beat boxers jamming it out, artists singing hits and old grampas getting down on the bridge. It really isn’t a place to miss.

Shoreditch is a hipster central. There are thousands of thrift and vintage stores filled to the brim with every desirable item of clothing. It really feels like you’re in a classier version of Macklemore’s Thrift Shop music video. I spent too much money here, leaving me equally fashionable and broke.

We had this massive desire to go ice-skating while in London. And ice-skate we did. Imagine you’re surrounded by lit up high-rise buildings, trees draped in fairy lights and the clear night sky above. Pair this with all those top 40 tunes you cannot help but love and you have a winner of an evening. It really was incredibly fun and something that I’ll never forget.

I’ve always had a deep love for art. Thus, I just had to go to the Tate Modern Art Museum. Tip: make a day out of this, you really need a lot of time to truly experience it all. You can’t quickly stroll through. It was incredibly special and left me feeling as if I was in a daze. I bought a book there called “Read this if you want to take great photos”. As an avid lover of photography, it has proved to be incredibly helpful. The book is full of wisdom and tips to ensure your eye for photography develops more and more per shot.

We experienced the night life, the early Sunday morning markets, the hustle and bustle of the city and tried to soak in as much as possible in our heart-breakingly short amount of time. I am now a pro at taking the tube (one must never stand still on the left hand side of an escalator), I laughed more than I’d laughed in a very long time and got to make memories and share experiences with three incredibly solid travel partners.

This was only my second trip to this famous city, but thankfully not my last. My little African heart is officially infatuated and will be returning shortly.

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